On the 18th June ACCAN attended an industry roundtable hosted by the ACCC. The purpose of this roundtable was to discuss the regulatory arrangements for the nbn that could be established under the revised SAU – Special Access Undertaking. The ACCC prepared a framing paper prior to the roundtable. In response to the framing paper, ACCAN:

  • Supported the ACCC’s high level principles regarding nbn’s pricing and revenue controls and suggested adding an acknowledgement of the need for a minimum standard of service to be available for all consumers.
  • Noted that removing the variable capacity charge from nbn’s wholesale pricing is the most direct way of ensuring price certainty, however this needs to be done in a manner that ensures consumers purchasing data limited plans do not experience a price increase when the variable charge is removed.
  • Offered suggestions supporting unique maximum speed products, pre-paid services, and affordable voice services.

In our response, ACCAN continued to call for a concessional broadband service for low income households and noted there is an immediate need for such a service. We explained that the social benefits that arise from access to the nbn justify the creation of this concessional service for low income households.

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